Adventure ChroniclesMy storytelling and roleplaying adventure scenarios focus on engaging players in exploration, discovery, teamwork, and creative problem-solving. The adventures are designed with younger players in mind, and are suitable for everyone ages 10 and up.
The scenarios can be readily adapted for your favorite storytelling or roleplaying game (RPG), or simply used as conversation starters to encourage creativity and develop social-emotional skills such as active listening, curiosity, empathy, and perspective-taking. The Everflame Collective Adventurers' GuildOne way I encourage prosocial interactions in an RPG context is by introducing the Everflame Collective, an adventurers' guild whose motto is: Friendship, Service, Exploration, Discovery.
Members of the Everflame Collective are Adventurers who protect each other and the community they serve. When people seek them out for assistance, Everflame Adventurers move bravely toward the dangers that regular townsfolk would much rather avoid. At the start of a new game, every player creates an Adventurer who is a member of the Everflame Collective. Players are encouraged to think of themselves and their teammates as having been drawn together by their bonds of friendship, their shared love of adventure, and their willingness to help those in need. I have found this framing to be helpful, as it allows us to model the ethos of the guild from our very first interactions, both as players at the table and as characters in the story. Chronicles of the Everflame Collective RPG SystemIf you don't have a preferred roleplaying game in mind, consider Chronicles of the Everflame Collective, my original rules-light roleplaying game (RPG) for running short adventures with younger players and beginners of all ages.
The Everflame system was designed based on my years of experience sharing RPGs with young people. It is "newcomer friendly" and may be helpful to teachers, parents, or others who want to share RPGs with their own groups of young people. The full 24-page rulebook zine is available digitally and in print. A one-page summary of the rules is also available as a free download. Visit to check it out! |
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