About Jason Ermer & MythematicsHello! I'm Jason Ermer (he/him). I delight in crafting interactive problem-solving experiences to challenge, entertain, and delight an audience.
Throughout my career as a professional educator -- working as a secondary mathematics teacher, a university instructor, and a leader of professional development for teachers -- my goal has always been to engage participants in rich tasks which invite creativity, curiosity, and a sense of play. Mythematics (myth⋅e⋅mat⋅ics) is my name for a certain blend of mathematics, problem-solving, and storytelling designed to celebrate the joy of exploration and discovery. This site includes two main kinds of resources. Some have an explicitly mathematical focus, for those seeking to engage young people in adventurous mathematical explorations. Other resources have a more general focus on developing collaborative problem-solving skills. For more information about me and my other work, please visit jasonermer.com. Vertical Divider